Chuu, known as the symbol of brightness from LOONA, has released her first solo album, which feels somewhat unfamiliar compared to her cheerful and joyful appearances on variety shows. On October 18, Chuu held her first solo album “Howl” showcase at the Yes24 Live Hall in Seoul. She expressed her desire to show a different […]
After receiving a notice of expulsion from LOONA and deciding to stand alone, member Chuu and her agency, BlockBerry Creative (hereinafter referred to as “BlockBerry”), were unable to reach an agreement despite the court’s efforts at mediation. Chuu was the only member of LOONA to file a lawsuit against BlockBerry seeking to confirm the non-existence […]
Chuu-Blockberry contract lawsuit mediation… Will the obstacle to entertainment activities disappear?
the ongoing legal dispute between Chuu and her agency, Blockberry Creative, has reached a new phase as the court has postponed the hearing of their exclusive contract dispute. The court made this decision due to a mediation procedure which is a process of settling a lawsuit through mutual agreement between the parties. The next hearing […]