Categories: NEWS
By Published On: August 22nd, 2023

ZEROBASEONE’s Kim Gyu-bin, Apology Letter One Month After Debut: Used Expressions Unaware of Meaning and Origin

Kim Gyu-bin of ZEROBASEONE has bowed his head in response to a controversy surrounding his remarks.

On the 19th, Kim Gyu-bin posted an apology letter through a fan community regarding the recent controversies regarding his expressions.

He stated, “I used expressions without knowing their exact meanings and origins in the process of communicating in a new way,” and sincerely apologized to “the many individuals who felt uncomfortable.”

Previously, Kim Gyu-bin had engaged in communication by replying to fans’ comments. However, during this process, he was criticized for using expressions that contained sexual connotations or had derogatory regional implications, which soon led to a controversy over his remarks.

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