Categories: NEWS
By Published On: March 15th, 2023

SM Entertainment declares SM 3.0 system

On the 12th, SM released a statement, saying, “With this agreement as a catalyst, SM will actively pursue the ‘SM 3.0’ strategy that we promised to our shareholders, members, fans, and artists, and we will definitely achieve our future vision of becoming a global entertainment company centered on fans and shareholders.”

SM 3.0 aims to move away from the past system of producing albums under a one-top producer regime led by Lee Soo-man, and instead focuses on independent production centers and internal and external labels creating content. The explanation is that, as decision-making is made by each center and label, albums can be produced much faster than before.

Accordingly, SM aims to achieve by 2025: ▲ over 21 active artists (singers) ▲ more than 40 album releases per year ▲ over 27 million album sales per year ▲ over 400 concerts per year. They also promised to record a stock price of 360,000 won, sales of 1.8 trillion won, and operating profit of 500 billion won by 2025.

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