Red Velvet is embarking on their global tour with their fourth solo concert, “Red Velvet 4th Concert: R to V.”
After a spectacular opening at the KSPO Dome in Seoul Olympic Park on April 1-2, “Red Velvet 4th Concert: R to V” will be held a total of 13 times in 10 cities, including Singapore, Yokohama, Manila, Bangkok, Jakarta, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and London, attracting high attention from fans around the world.
Especially, this tour will be an opportunity for Red Velvet to perform their first solo concert in Europe and meet local fans in Asia and Europe. Therefore, it is expected that Red Velvet’s fantastic music and performances will receive even greater enthusiastic response than ever before.
In addition, Red Velvet has been invited as the only K-pop group to perform at the world’s largest music festival in Spain, “Primavera Sound 2023,” following their global tour this year. They plan to attend the performances in Barcelona on June 1 (local time) and Madrid on June 8, drawing attention to Red Velvet’s activities.