Categories: NEWS
By Published On: August 10th, 2023

Netflix Introduces Specialized Subtitles for Korean Variety Shows – Tailoring Content for Genre Enhancement

Netflix is taking a step forward in providing specialized subtitles for Korean variety shows, aiming to enhance the viewer experience tailored to specific genres.

Distinguished from the conventional Korean subtitles for the hearing-impaired, which encompassed sound information such as background music, Netflix’s new Korean variety show subtitles exclusively display dialogue and speaker information. Through the settings, viewers can choose their preferred mode of viewing among the new Korean subtitles, hearing-impaired Korean subtitles, and a subtitle-free option.

Starting with the release of “Zombie Bus” today, the new subtitles will be introduced as a trial in a total of two variety show contents, including “Devil’s Plan,” which is set to be unveiled in the latter half of this year. This subtitle testing has been designed to maximize the entertainment value of Korean variety shows by taking into consideration their unique genre characteristics. These two featured variety shows often involve multiple participants appearing simultaneously or scenes with substantial dialogue, enabling viewers to accurately comprehend the content and dialogue through the subtitles, thereby elevating their understanding.

A spokesperson from Netflix stated, “Netflix has consistently paved the way for ‘entertainment for all,’ transcending cultural and national boundaries, as well as catering to individuals with disabilities. Now, we are introducing subtitle testing to amplify the enjoyment of various genres.” The spokesperson further emphasized, “Netflix’s commitment lies not only in producing exceptional content that transcends genres and formats but also in enhancing the overall content viewing environment. We strive to offer an unparalleled entertainment experience.”

As streaming platforms continue to evolve, Netflix’s innovative approach to enhancing content comprehension aligns with its dedication to inclusivity and high-quality entertainment.


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